Saturday, September 15, 2012

Total Indoctrination?

Really? Indoctrination? Do you even know what that word means? My peers and I were not indoctrinated by having the drama department stage the play "8." It angers me how people are now bashing on my school, the administration, my peers, and the community itself for such an eyeopening experience.

For those of you who don't know, my high school was the first and ONLY high school in the NATION to stage the play "8." "8" is a play that portrays the legal argument and witness testimony of the Perry v. Schwarzenegger trial, which led to the overturn of California's Proposition 8. It was created by Dustin Lance Black in response of the federal court system's refusal to allow release of video recordings from the trial and to reveal to the public what really went on in the courtroom.

attended the production last night and I was not forced to go, although that's what people think, that the students were forced to go; it was my choice, I even entered a contest to win a ticket so I could attend the show. I was interested on the topic. Coming from a family with strong Christian beliefs, even I recommend this play to everyone, it is quite the eyeopener and the actors did an outstanding job. I believe that people should marry who they love race, ethnicity, nor gender should matter. Stop being closed minded and ignorant the ideas of relationships are constantly changing. Move on and accept change.

(Adrienne and Kylie were absolutely amazing. Love. Them.)

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